About Eden

About Eden

The short version: Eden Sparkle, MA, is a trans and queer clairaudient (clear hearing) psychic, coming from a lineage of psychics, energy healers and midwives. They are a psychic medium, meaning they can contact loved ones who have passed on- person or pet! These sessions can provide closure and relief to those who are bereaving their lost loved ones.

Eden offers professional services in tarot, psychic, and energy work. They also clear homes and objects from hauntings, entities or just old stuck energy. One of the Best ways to work with Eden is by booking a combination session, which is both tarot and/or psychic service combined with reiki energy work. Read more about services HERE .

PDX Queer Tarot, strives to provide a safer landing space for LGBTQ+, BIPOC, disabled people and other marginalized folx. Eden’s business is dedicated to increasing access to effective, individualized healing for all.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to read more about them!


My Background, Training and Approach

(The Longer Version)

I am queer, trans, disabled and neurodivergent person who opened PDX Queer Tarot in 2021 to make wellness more accessible to marginalized folks and especially queer people. I was born as 3rd generation psychic and energy healer but was cut off from that knowledge until I was an adult, as a child I learned to mask and stop listening. By the time I reached my mid 20s, I was steeped into 3D: just living life for material goods and outer markers of “success” and achievement. But through multiple experiences, including major physical traumas, I was once again cracked open by Spirit. When I heard the call, I opened my business to support others’ healing and growth.


so called “Master’s” degree  in Adult Learning from Portland State in 2010

Certified Peer Support Specialist, 2008-2023 and Traditional Health Worker 2020-23

 Corinna Rosella’s Tarot School for Liberation, 2020

Reiki Level I and II certificate, 2022, Jett Koda


15 years in human services

3 years at a mental health crisis line (2020-2023)

Mentee of Indigenous two-spirit shamanic healer Jai Medina,

Mentee and patient of myofascial release PT and intuitive bodyworker Amanda Keegan,

Received Reiki levels I and II initiations under Arcturian light worker and Reiki Master Jett Koda,

Recipient and mentee of an elder healer with over 50 years of experience, R. Moon

Providing spiritual, emotional and mental wellness services that are individualized, effective and actually accessible is the reason for my practice. I center women, LGBTQ+ people, disabled, Black, Indigenous, and/or neurodivergent folx. I also welcome everyone who wants to engage in change and growth.

My Vision

At heart, PDX Queer Tarot is about empowerment and liberation. It aims to subvert normative culture by empowering you to live your best life and promote healing and wellness, or whatever it is you choose for your life. Our work together rejects capitalist norms, societal scripts, the inaccessibility and ineffectiveness of white washed new-age wellness. 

 There is no one-size-fits-all approach to healing and there is no finish line. There is only a goal of developing an effective practice that meets your goals and needs. it looks different to everyone. Together we can get you on your best path and connected to the abundance that is your birthright. 

I stand out from others in this line of work because, unlike some psychics who throw you a couple of breadcrumb predictions and leave you to fit the pieces together, I offer full service that includes integration with energy work and follow up support. I offer Free Services every month and sliding scale pricing.

While it’s custom for my businesses like mine to state somewhere “for entertainment purposes only.” I find my services to have benefit well beyond entertainment. However, please use common sense, and seek medical, legal and financial advice from professionals. If you are having extreme emotional instability, psychosis or other concerns, I trust you will get support you need for your safety and well-being. I reserve the right to end a working relationship and refer to appropriate professionals as needed.